Beer Can Chicken Stand Review

Beer Can Chicken Stand Review

  I’ve had my Beer Can Chicken Stand since I bought my Kamado Bono Grande. Some of the best chicken I’ve eaten has been thanks to it! Cooking the chicken upright means it will retain those delicious juices and aromas. In my Beer Can Chicken 

Texas Club Charcoal Fire Lighter Review

Texas Club Charcoal Fire Lighter Review

  We’ve all been that demoralised person, trying and failing to start your kamado or BBQ when you just want to get your meat onto the grill to get those juices flowing. Fire starters do what they say on the tin: get your fire started, 

Kamado Bono Grande Review

Kamado Bono Grande Review

  Kamados deliver succulent smoky food that can’t be beaten for flavour. This is achieved by either cooking at low temperatures very slowly (low & slow) or at very high temperatures. The Kamado Bono Grande seems to offer charcoal grilling and smoking without the big 

Kamado Bono Picnic Unboxing & Review

Kamado Bono Picnic Unboxing & Review

  So, we know that Kamado style grills deliver succulent smoky food that can’t be beaten for flavour. This is achieved by either cooking at low temperatures very slowly (low & slow) or at very high temperatures. Small or mini kamado grills offer charcoal grilling